Sunday, June 27, 2010


As I search for an answer to the question my yoga teacher asks "who taught you to love?" I go through, in my mind, all the reasonable people like my parents or Alistair, but these thoughts don't settle in my heart and then I have this overwhelming vision of my beautiful yet very old blonde four legged daughter, Maggie. This thought feels right in my heart, and I know that she is the first person/animal that truly taught me to love. How do I know this? Because I would/will do anything to keep her safe and when I enter a room after a long dreadful day to see her eyes looking at me...I smile. She warms my heart and I feel blessed for each day I have with her.

Okay, so on to the daily details. I set my alarm for 4:45AM to prepare myself for the 14 mile run. I woke up around 4ish with dread that I was going to have to get out of bed in a short while. I decided to change my alarm to 5:45 as I just needed to fill the camelpak and be on my way. Well at 4:50 the coffee alarm beeped at me letting me know it was brewed and ready for consumption. I finally pulled the covers off at 5:10 going straight for a cuppa joe. Unfortunately, the coffee was extremely weak, but I still drank 1/2 a mug to sooth my mind and it aids as a laxative. Filled my bladder for the camelpak added a dollop of greek yogurt and 1/2 banana to my breakfast cookie (1/3 cup oats, Tbs chia seeds, Tbs raw cacao powder, 1 Tbs almond butter, splash of rice milk, and 1/2 banana) that I prepared the night before and went to wake up my travel partner, Allie. He did not want to wake either, but did, being the supportive partner he is. On our way he did get a coffee which costs $5 (with tip) and I started to munch on my breakfast cookie. On the 45 minute drive to the beautiful Applegate Lake Allie talked me into changing my trail. The trail we decided on is only 10 miles which meant that I would have to be a little creative and add 4 miles to it. Being creative on a long run is never appreciated. I don't want to have to think about anything other than doing the distance. Allie dropped Ntombi and I off at the trail head and we set out on our 14 mile journey. The second my feet hit the earth I was ready to go even though I was not excited about the run for the 1.5 hours prior to this moment. The air felt brisk and fresh. We started our run at 7:10 so it was still cool enough for a long sleeve shirt. You may be asking why I traveled 45 minutes for a run...well....

I only allow myself this pleasure once a month as gas is expensive and I find it ridiculous to drive to run yet these trails are so delicious I just can't stop myself. It is my special offering from the earth that I indulge in.

So the run went pretty well. In the end I only ran 12 miles and promised to do 2 miles of hills when I got home (which still has not happened!). I was really nervous about my stomach as I normally do not eat before a run do to the sensitivity of my bowels, but I wanted to see if food would actually benefit my run. The answer is inconclusive...I spent a big portion of the run worrying about what was going to unfold that I didn't allow myself to fully enjoy the run or push myself. However, all that worry and no issues...whoop, whoop! I did 12 miles in 124 minutes which breaks down to 10:30 per mile. I really, really, really want to get a Garmin. My Nike + is not accurate enough for this Type A Personality.

The big dogs (Alistair and Maggie) fished while Ntombi and I ran.

Ntombi my training partner. She is raring to go. She literally has a supercharge button that allows her to fly. She probably ran around 18 miles as she runs ahead and then comes back to check in.

Do we have to go? After our run we stopped off to meet the newest addition to a fabulous friends family; her daughter. Unfortunately, I did not get photos, but let me tell you...CUTE. And of course my friend, Hayley, looked fabulous. It was good to see her and know that she was thriving as a mother. This womyn is a should check out her company ecopiggy which is natural organic children's products. I recently bought some items for another friend that just had twins.... She received a few pairs of clothes and stainless steel bottles which she raves about. She can't say enough about the quality of the products. I highly recommend any of the items and I can promise that they will be prepared and shipped to you with love=)

Post run snack consisted of an oatmeal pancake. 1 mashed banana, 1/2 cup oats and strawberry applesauce mix (refrigerate overnite) and cook like a pancake.

I added raspberry/pomegranate Crofters organic jam and a dollop of greek yogurt. I inhaled this tasty treat coupled with a strong cup of coffee.

I then went to yoga. After yoga I took 3 hours of quiet time where I napped here and there. Once up and awake I finished putting together the spare bedroom, cleaned the kitchen and prepared dinner. For dinner I mixed up a salad which consisted of lentils, peas, spinach, romaine lettuce, Annie's Goddess dressing and a few tortilla strips for crunch. i also had a piece of leftover veggie quiche (it was better tonight than on Friday). I whipped up another iced coffee, sat down in front of the television to watch Boston Legal while I consumed all my leftovers.

I have done some (not a lot) of reading on running and (am open to hearing must reads) know that runners are more competitive the leaner they are. It is not ever recommended for runners to go on major diets, but to up their mileage. I am in no way able (want) to decrease my calories so I must increase my mileage to find the lean runner body that will lead me to victory+) So my plan is to add 5 miles to my mileage this week, see how it goes and continually up my mileage by 5-10 miles per week. I don't believe I am overweight, but I do feel the extra weight on the hot long runs. I think this will only benefit my training.

I have two questions for all of you this Sunday evening:

1) who taught you to love

2) Recommendations on running books



  1. Well Sarah, you are inspiring to say the least! You make running seem so pleasurable, a destination that is worth overcoming the obvious 'bumps of life' to get there. Your discipline is invigorating.
    You have posted some interesting recipes. I'm definitely going to try that breakfast cookie. I wish I could track down some lower fat Greek yougurt. Maybe a trip across the line is in order.
    Hey, I was curious about the Castor Oil rub. It is the first I've heard of it. How do you use it - where do you rub it? Have you found it helpful for aching muscles?
    Curious (if you don't mind sharing) what is your daily calorie intake?
    You are looking amazing!
    Thanks for sharing. I look forward to each day's blog.

  2. Nicola! Let me know if you want me to ship you some low calorie greek yogurt...not sure how well it will ship, but we can certainly try=)

    I was introduced to castor oil rubs by my naturopath. It consists of 1)castor oil 2) flannel or old shirt 3) hot water bottle or heating pad ( I use a hot water bottle). Cover the flannel in castor oil (and rub some on your abdomen, as well) then place the flannel on your abdomen below rib cages and should evenly cover left and right side of abdomen, place heating source (hot water bottle) over the flannel. Recommendations are to do this before bed for at least half hour, but hour is best. This is said to help aid in digestion, to strengthen immune system and can aid in liver support. It also helps with cramps, but I don't know about aching muscles - I haven't used it for that purpose. I always feel different after a day of not doing the rub, so I try an consistently do it every night. It is time consuming, but well worth the time.

    My caloric intake is somewhere between 1200 -1800 a day. I haven't counted calories in awhile, but am always aware. I will count tomorrow and let you know. I believe I average 1500 calories.

    How are things with you and your amazing boys?

    Thanks for your kind words.

