Thursday, June 24, 2010

ToO mUcH!

First and foremost I want to share my extreme excitement to have not one, but two followers on this blog (I won't mention that one is my partner, probably just making sure I don't say anything bad about him=)! Did I mention that I am on vacation this week (well mostly; there has been a few hours of work related activities). Other than going camping my plan has been to stay home, get organized, clean and recoperate from a busy year of school, internship and work. Well, being on vacation is hard work. I haven't quite accomplished anything I set out to do. One thing leads to another and I don't seem to accomplish anything that is on my list. I am a list person...I think some people call it type A personality. As much as I want to be that calm and cool person, reality is I am always stressing about what needs to be done. I should probably just accept this about myself and learn how to manage this.

Okay, finally my day...well, I will start with last night. I met up with my twin nieces visiting from California. I just don't get to see them often enough to participate in their lives fully. They are growing to be smart young ladies (and pretty darn cute!). Here is a picture of Adie...she is verbose and loves attention.

We got home at a decent time, but due to the heat I couldn't fall asleep. Please let me be clear that I am not complaining about the heat, my body is still adjusting to it. So I don't believe I fell asleep until about 11:00. I finally got out of bed this morning around 6:15 to send Alistair off for his day and enjoy a cup of coffee. I read some other blogs while I sipped my coffee for quite some time. Ah, the life of leisure. Finally around 9:00 had breakfast which consisted of greek yogurt, 1 scoop of vanilla whey protein powder and blueberries ( I ended up adding a little of Barbara's Puffins for some crunch).

Mid morning snack was a little Yerba Mate. This mate is made by EcoTeas based in Ashland, Oregon. My friend is co-owner of the company and they do good work.

Yummy! very refreshing with the pomegranate juice.

Mate helped energise me to cross a few things off of my list. I shampooed the carpets (wishing we had put wood floors in the bedrooms, too, but too late now). I also washed the bathroom walls in the bathroom and completed several loads of laundry. Somewhere I started in on my closet, but didn't finish. I worked up an appetite and ate a sandwhich made with cucumbers, sprouts, hummus and a little cream cheese spread. Tasty!

Finally around 2:00 I rewarded myself with a good book and some sun. I found a spot in the backyard near the raised bed veggie garden, spread out and began to read "The Space Between Us" by Thrity Umrigar. I made it to chapter 4 and can not wait to pick it up again. It had me hooked after the first two pages. How I love books like these. This is my first fun read since winter break. Thank goodness for breaks.

After getting hot and sweaty in the sun. Have I mentioned that I am a chronic oversharer. Yes, I share many details. Most people love me for it, but some feel discomfort with the truth. I just try an keep it real. Anyways, after getting hot and sweaty in the sun I took a bike ride. My plan was to ride to yoga, but once I discovered it was already 4:00 and I hadn't even thought about dinner I gave up on the idea of yoga and just did a ride. I think I rode around 8 miles with some good hills. I did this in about 40-45 minutes and back by 5:00 to start dinner. I really struggled with ditching yoga which was to begin at 5:30, but food won in the end (it normally does). For dinner I chose Lentil Burgers.

I don't have a food processor so I mixed with my hand

1 cup cooked green lentil
1 cup chopped veggies (celery, mushrooms and carrots)
3 TBS whole wheat flour
1 heaping TBS chia seeds
a small handful of pecans
1 TBS olive oil
Sea Salt and Pepper to taste

mix together and cook patties (makes 3) at 400 degrees for 15ish minutes on each side.

I then put some hummus, cream cheese, sprouts on a bun and served. This would be delicious with avocado, but I don't have any. This is very delicious. Alistair thinks it is a bit bland so season to taste. This burger was a bit too much for me though. I feel very full. My hope is to let it settle and go for an evening run. However, my book is also calling my name.

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