Sunday, July 11, 2010

Hard and Soft

Oh has been far too long since my last post. A lot has happened in the past 10 days and yet not much has changed. I went to Mt. Shasta for a yoga retreat with six fabulous womyn plus me. We practiced yoga, soaked in healing water, sweat a lot, participated in my second sweat lodge, and looked deep within myself. It was a very rich experience. I came back from this experience absolutely exhausted; not so much because of the physical work, but mostly because of the mental work that I completed. I came back to reality with direction and intention for MY life.

I need to share that I was so caught up in my feelings and thoughts that I often forgot to take photos. It is okay, because this weekend was for me and I will never forget the images. However, I did want to share as much of the experience as possible with you. I suggest you take a trip to this magical space and have your own journey...but, here are a few photos I captured.

the A-frame housing seven super womyn.

the river.

the cold plunge...brrrr....under 50 degrees

more of the cold plunge. the cycle is 10 minute soak in hot mineral bath, sweat in sauna (wood stove heat) for as long as you can, then plunge into the water and repeat 3 times.

I had to photograph this license plate...don't you just love it?

Unfortunately, that is the end of the photos:( This was such a transforming experience for me. I wish I could articulate what I learned about myself and relationships, but it is more of a feeling that I have rather than something I can verbalize. So, through my posts you will be able share this journey with me. It is truly exciting and so very scary.

I made it home on Sunday around 2:00 and ventured out for an independence day barbecue. For the first year ever it truly felt like I was celebrating independence, but for many different reasons than many other Americans out there. There was personal freedom that I was celebrating. I met some new people and everyone I spoke to said that "I had a glow" - yes, that is how I felt.

It wasn't until Thursday that I was actually able to engage in real exercise again as I was thoroughly exhausted. I was in and out of reality. I ate very well and enjoyed my own yoga practice this week. I ventured to the farmer's market and bought spinach tamales for lunch and dinner. These are the very best...

I have been reading about Ayurvedic philosophy. It has taught me my dosha (constitution) which is vata kapha and that I need to eat specific foods to keep my dosha in balance. It is brilliant. It has really taught me about respect for my food and when you respect the food that gives you life, one begins to have a different relationship. A relationship of respect leads to eating only what you need, cooking with intention, and valuing the food that gave its life to sustain you.

A meal made with love will fill you with love...that is why only those that love you should cook for you...

Chickpeas, quinoa, sauteed mushrooms and onions over spinach...yum, yum!

Yesterday, Alistair and I went to a friends wedding. It was outdoors and quite beautiful. I felt the need to share dinner which came in a box. This was a great idea, however, I fear to think of all the garbage that came from this meal. Each item was in individual containers and there were many items...looks cute though, yes?

the centerpiece.

the wine.

This morning I woke with a little exhaustion from the three glasses of wine I consumed. My run has not yet happened, but I know it will. I think I may take a little nap first with my two lovely puppies.

This week I will focus on creating balance between the hard and the soft and letting go of attachment to any outcomes. I decided to apply for a new position within the same agency that I work for. It is a position that would fit my schedule with school perfectly. I am trying to find that balance of caring deeply yet not at all. That if I don't get the position (which is most likely the case) I will not doubt myself, but trust the process. I am really working on trusting the process and being okay with outcomes AND letting go of expectations. Knowing that it is all part of the master plan. finding the perfect balance between hard and soft...

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